Ordering cell culture and banking services

To place an order, you must first be an authorized user on a current CGEC account. You can find out if your lab has an account by searching this file. Search for the PI's last name in the filter. Greyed accounts are closed, but can be reopened at any time. To find out if you are an authorized user, search for your name here. If you are not an authorized user on the needed account, please contact [email protected].

If you know you need a new account, please fill out the Qualtrics form here. We will contact you within 2 days with your new account number. Please use this account when requesting cell lines or banking. There is no fee to set up or keep an account. Each account can have many authorized users; typically, the account is in the PI's name and lab members are added as authorized users. Please contact us if you are not sure if your lab has an account, or if you will be establishing your own account as the PI.


Cell lines

  1. Read the Customer Agreement that defines the scope of use for our cell lines.
  2. Browse the Cell Lines Inventory to find what you need.
  3. Complete the Request for Cell Recovery and Propagation
  4. Email the completed form to [email protected]

Note: For a flask of cells, first order a frozen vial and then place a request for the cells to be plated. A growing flask will usually result in two charges except when cells are only available as a growing flask (no vial). Be sure to specify the flask size and any required growing conditions, procedures, or additions (e.g., G418, Growth Factors).

Most orders are fulfilled within 48 hours. CGEC will contact you when your cultures are available for pick-up.

Cell Banking

  1. Consult with CGEC on your storage needs.
  2. Complete the Cell Bank Storage Work Order.
  3. Arrange with CGEC to deliver your sample along with the completed form.

All other services

For quality control, STR validation, propagation, consultation, and custom services, please contact us.